But do you? Do YOU know what YOU did last year? Because yes, it is important to know. Let me explain.
It is the end of the year again. That time when you read everywhere about new year resolutions and what should they be, how to evaluate the last year’s resolutions and so on. If you are a bit annoyed and think “it is a bit too much – resolutions everywhere” you are not alone. And do not worry, this article is different.
Are you totally happy with your life? If yes, then I am happy for you, you can stop reading here, just go on with your life and try not to change anything. But if you are not totally happy and you do want to change something, then you are in the right place reading the right stuff. And resolutions are important for you because they give you a sense of direction. But do you remember them? Chances are that you had your 2015 resolutions and you wrote them somewhere. And then you forgot about them, pretty quickly. They may be on a piece of paper somewhere, that you may find it now, or you may not. And if you are one of those lucky ones who found their 2015 resolutions, do you still remember them after one year, or is it news what you read on that piece of paper?
This was me until one year ago: for several years I had resolutions, written on some piece of paper somewhere only to find out at the end of the year that either I cannot find the paper anymore or, if I found it, I did not remember what I planned and what is most important, I did not do most of the stuff I planned. There was a big disconnection between me and my plans.
Around April 2015 I figured out a solution: I need to be able to have quick access to my yearly resolutions. I want to have a quick look at them at any time I wish. And, because they are pretty big and cannot be done all at once, I need to split them into smaller things and plan these in the months to come. And then split some more, into weekly and daily objectives. How to have all these? I applied my favorite method for solving the problems I have in life: writing some software. And this is how Arrow was born. And since April 2015 I have my own planning tool that me and some close friends are using every day.
Maybe you are like I was: in need of a planning tool that can track your yearly resolutions and monthly/weekly/daily objectives and being able to access them from any device that you have: PC, tablet or phone. And if you are like I was and reading this article, my gift to you at the beginning of 2016 is access to my planning tool:
Feel free to use it. Feedback appreciated.
There is also a second thing: planning, alone, is not enough. For example, if you want to lose 10kg in the next 5 month, planning to lose 2kg every month will not cut it. You need to do something more: you need to break old, bad habbits and build new, good habbits. And this is pretty hard if you do not know the techniques to make it easier. But help is on the way: every few months some of my friends and I are organizing a workshop where, among other things, I explain how to plan efficiently and how to implement habbits. If you live around Tampere and find it interesting, you may consider participating:
If you live far from Tampere or you do not find the workshop interesting, no worries, I will write some articles about planning and habbits in the first half of 2016. It is on my 2016’s resolutions list.